ICAP Signed MOU with IGI Insurance Ltd

We are pleased to inform you that IGI Insurance Ltd. has offered Motor Insurance Cover at a discounted rate of 1.70% net (inclusive of all taxes) for comprehensive insurance of all kind of private cars to all members and affiliates of ICAP.  Members of ICAP and their spouses, Professional Firms, Professional Accounting Affiliates and staff of ICAP can avail the motor insurance and tracker facility on discounted rate all across Pakistan.

Please note:-

You can avail this discount facility by presenting the following documents:

  • ICAP Registration Number
  • Copy of CNIC
  • Copy of driving license
  • Copy of registration book/sale invoice/delivery letter
  • Cheque in favour of IGI Insurance Ltd.

Contact Person:

Mr. Awais Ahmed
Assistant General Manager
IGI Insurance Ltd.
Kashmir Plaza, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad
Tel: 051-111-308-308
Mobile: 0301-8209961
Fax: 051-2277356
Email: awais.ahmed@igi.com.pk

This offer is not obligatory on any of ICAP member/staff and it is entirely the member’s sole discretion to avail this offer or not, based on his/her own desire and judgment. Accordingly, ICAP is neither influencing any of its Member/staff to opt for IGI Insurance Ltd. offer nor has any responsibility whatsoever for this relationship between the ICAP Members/Staff and IGI Insurance Ltd.

MoU Between ICAP and IGI Insurance
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